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Implant Experiment Shows Human Tracking Implants Are Effective "at Some Distance"

UK Professor Kevin Warwick's Voluntary Experiment

From Beyond 2000

Eleanor White's comments: Current, late-90's electronic mind control technology in the classified realm does not require implants. However, implants are still very significant for two reasons:

1. Not all electronic mind control perpetrators possess, apparently, the implant-LESS technology. This is evident from the fact that several involuntary implantees have had implants removed but not one has ever been given custody of the removed implant. Someone apparently wants them kept out of our hands.

2. Not every level of government even knows about implant-LESS technology, and therefore, these non-privileged levels of government are obvoiusly attracted to the degree of control which can be had by implanting populations. The following article makes that chillingly clear!

THIS ARTICLE, while relating to a simple experiment by a UK cybernetics professor on himself is nevertheless of KEY importance because:

- It firms up the assertion that there IS a genuine interest in and will to use implants - something our detractors often deny

- It clearly shows the professor's opinion that unclassified use to track non-criminal employees, which points to more sinister uses, is likely

- The simple first-try (by this professor) produced tracking results of a totally flesh-enclosed implant "over a good DISTANCE", which points toward the distance effects experienced by MKULTRA and neuro-electromagnetic experimentees.

From Beyond 2000,


Professor Kevin Warwick of the University of Reading in the UK made
headlines last year when he took the drastic step of having a computer chip
implanted into his body. The chip was part of an experiment to see how such
'wetware' could interact with an 'intelligent building'.

The scene of the experiment was Professor Warwick's workplace: the
university's Department of Cybernetics. The building had been wired to
detect the presence of the implant; essentially just a tiny smartcard. When
Warwick arrived in the morning the doors would even open automatically for
him and call a cheerful greeting.

One ambition of such research is to design buildings able to locate a person
and then personalise the environment for that particular individual, for
instance to divert phone calls to the nearest extension or to adjust the
heating and lighting levels to a pre-determined preference or perhaps
display an appropriate screen at an information point. The lattice of nodes
could also be used to support navigation services in large buildings.

The chip was removed from Professor Warwick after a few days, purely for
medical safety reasons. He's already planning more experiments though, with
the ultimate goal of wiring implants directly into the human nervous system.

But is Professor Warwick's vision of the future a utopia or a nightmare?
That depends how much privacy you like....

Beyond 2000: Cyborgs in science fiction often have an evil connotation but
you're looking at it just as a more general interaction between humans and

Kevin Warwick: I think I'm really looking at it in terms of how machinery
can enhance or help what humans can do normally.

B2K: Now tell us about what you had implanted.

KW: Well I had a silicon chip transponder implanted in my left arm, just
above the elbow and lying against the muscle. It was in there for about 9

B2K: Many would ask the question "Why?"

KW: I did it as part of a research programme...The main emphasis was looking
to the future and the possibility of connecting up to the human nervous
system and interacting with technology that way.

B2K: Were you scared?

KW: I've never had an implant of any kind before so it was scary at
first...but I wanted to do it. It was something I had to find out what it
was actually like.

B2K: What did it feel like while it was in your arm?

KW: The first couple of days it was a little bit uncomfortable, but after
that I didn't really notice it was there physically...but mentally it was
quite a surprise; that because the implant was interacting with the computer
in the building and for all intents and purposes the implant was part of me
after a couple of days, I accepted it. Mentally I had a link with the
computer, an affinity that I hadn't expected.

B2K: How did that affinity make you feel?

KW: Well it made me feel quite strong, quite powerful because I had this
computer that was doing all sorts of wonderful things...I just had to move
around near it. But also I realised the potential there, that when you link
humans and technology together the possibilities are enormous. Just by being
in the vicinity of a machine the interaction could give you tremendous
powers...super-human powers.

B2K: What did you learn from the trial?

KW: The experiment was a tremendous success. Technically it worked very
DISTANCE. The main thing I learnt though was in looking to the future. The
possibilities are tremendous and it really opened up my eyes to what might
be possible around the corner.

B2K: Where do you see this research leading us?

KW: When we look to connecting an implant such as I had up to the human
nervous system it opens up a whole different spectrum. Then we can look at
getting movements...with arm movements you're sending a signal from your
brain to your fingers and telling them to move. Those signals can be picked
up and transmitted to a computer to make the computer move. We can learn
essentially to interact with computers without the need for a keyboard or a
mouse. To interface with computers we won't need the old-fashioned,
mechanical arm movements or even voice input, it will be straight from the
nervous system and ultimately the brain, straight into the computer.

B2K: To get to where you're talking about do we have to have a direct
connection between a chip and a nerve or are there other ways of thinking
about this?

KW: One can pick up some signals from the nervous system from the outside by
connecting electrodes or sensors....Some research is going on in that area.
But connecting up directly to the nervous system, which technically is no
too much of a problem, allows you a much more immediate connection and
ultimately will be far more powerful.

B2K: What kind of other applications do you see in the future?

KW: Well with the type of implant I have, what you could actually do now is
have a credit card as an implant. So it wouldn't get stolen and it's not
something you're going to lose. But also other applications immediately are
prisoners. Instead of tagging, which can be visually very nasty, the implant
could be under the skin and not immediately visible. Or other types,
paedophiles for example; making sure they don't go into areas you don't want
them to.

B2K: Anything else you can think of?

KW: (Grinning) One possibility also is say, for businesses who want to track
their employees, they will pay you a salary if you have an implant. That way
they can check on you when you go to the toilet, what time you come in,

B2K: I'm sure that will be popular.

KW: If the salary's right!

Professor Kevin Warwick

Related links:
The University of Reading's Dept. of Cybernetics.

Dan S

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